Pondělní škola


Datum / čas
Date(s) - 07/09/2020
Celý den


Pondělní škola
PRŮVODCI: Dita Ptáčková,  Ben Sasson a Katy Šrubařová

V Pondělí půjdeme do lesa, kde si anglicky řekneme jak se kdo jmenuje, jak jsme se měli o prázdninách a připomeneme si pravidla pondělní skupiny. Na rozehřátí si dáme naše oblíbené hry Simon says a možná i Indiána. V druhém bloku, začneme s abecedou a pokročilejší čtení s Benem. Vhodné oblečení, podložky na sezení a vybavený penál s sebou. Dokud počasí dovolí, budeme zůstavat na oba dopolední bloky venku.

Třetí blok:

Po obědě se s Katy pustíme do Boje o ostrov! Bude se hodit standardně vybavený penál, chuť si hrát a odvaha potkat se s textem, každý jak umí.

Hello class!!
I look forward to seeing your smiling faces again in a few days!
Dita and I think it is a good idea to have each child give us one topic that you would like to learn more about. We can have you do this on our first day back, so it will give us time to do some research for the upcoming Mondays. So have a good ponder in the next few days on what you’d like to know more about in English 🙂
Being the first day back, and there being new faces, we will find a nice spot in the forest and have a proper sit-down and slowly introduce ourselves to one another. We’ll ask you about what you did during your summer holidays. We’ll then break you into two groups and come up with your fun group names!
For the group who will not know much or any English, Dita will start at the beginning with going over the alphabet.  For my group, I’ll have some printouts of simple songs in English that you kids will read out loud. In the mix, I’ll explain to those who might not understand the meanings of the lyrics. Then we will learn the melody and sing them together 🙂
I will be bringing a book or two and have you take a look to read a bit from it.
With Tim and Mia, our English speaking stars, I think for the upcoming semester, it would be good to have longer conversations with them to help improve their pronunciations and grammar, as well as writing skills.
If there’s time, we will play such English games as, “Simon-Says“ and “Duck-Duck-Goose“, for example.
So see you all on Monday!
Looking forward,

Cesta ráno ze Smíchova : Dita

Řevnice: Ben

Cesta Odpoledne na Smíchov : Katy




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