Pondělní škola


Datum / čas
Date(s) - 14/09/2020
Celý den


Pondělní škola
PRŮVODCI: Dita Ptáčková,  Ben Sasson a Katy Šrubařová

V pondělí půjdeme opět do lesa a začneme se na přání dětí věnovat zvířatům. Budeme hádat zvířata v krabici i si na ně hrát. Ben má v plánu čtení s pokročilejšími. Opět zůstaneme v lese až do oběda. Podložky na sezení a psaní s sebou.

Třetí blok:

Odpoledne se pustíme do další kapitoly Boje o ostrov: budeme si opět hrát a kamarádit se přitom se čtením a psaním. Může být hezké, když si na sebe vezmeme i nějaký námořnický doplněk!
Kdo minule nebyl, nebo byl, ale chce si první kapitolu  přečíst celou v kuse, je nahraná zde: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q40fMHSNeyMGU24N88-IDCXiqBhHujd8LosJHvSYAGo/edit?usp=sharing
Hello class!!

Great job with our first day back with English-Mondays, it was fun and a big success 🙂 We all introduced ourselves and got to learn through conversation about what each of us did during our time this summer. We heard a lot of great topics that each of you want to know more about in English, so Dita and I will do some research and we will revisit these throughout our term together.
For my group team “Cool Girls” 😂, we had some good laughs reading the lyrics to the English-tunes I printed out, then singing them in groups of two with the melody playing in the background. Not only was it fun but really effective with improving your pronunciation. I’d like this to be a regular activity in the future with new songs to sing.
Next class, we will start off with a new thing: journals! I have notebooks for each of you where you will be writing some brief notes on different themes each Monday. For example; what makes you happy at that moment, or what you dreamt the night before, or your favorite animal and why. This exercise is intended for you to start getting used to thinking and writing in English. Of course I’ll be helping you along the way clarify your thoughts, spelling and grammar 🙂
We will play English games too, like “Simon Says” (which will help with pronunciation and memory).
And finally, we will continue reading a new book in every class we have.
See you soon!
Cesta ráno ze Smíchova : Dita
Řevnice: Ben

Cesta Odpoledne na Smíchov : Katy




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